
What began as a small business dream for “someday” became real for me in 2018.

A few years ago, a friend and small business owner encouraged me to consider HR consulting for small businesses. Despite years of HR training over his career with large corporations, he wasn’t quite ready for everything that came with owning a small business.  He immediately recognized a need for professional HR support beyond his expertise, but didn’t have the budget for full-time HR.  We joked that I just needed a few more clients like him, and I’d be “in business’…..and the seed was planted! Over time as I discussed this with others, the idea took root, so when changes unexpectedly eliminated my corporate HR job, my business plan accelerated rapidly.
Personally, I’ve spent more than 25 years in HR leadership for large companies and this is the culmination of those years.  Focus HR is the opportunity for me to translate best practices from large corporations into meaningful practices for small businesses. I am thrilled to be able to do what I love in support of other small business owners who are chasing their dreams and doing what they love!  I’ve enlisted the professional expertise of Talent Acquisition and Safety specialists, as well as other HR professionals that I’ve come to know over the years, and together we offer everything needed to get the job done without hiring a huge HR & Safety staff.
Our mission is to partner with small businesses to ease the burden of HR management and compliance so that they can focus on the business.  Every company is different, and the services we provide are tailored to suit each client’s specific needs.  We take pride in partnering with clients to identify their specific risks and pain points to establish their priorities and create service plans to fit almost any budget.
We look forward to the continued growth of our partnerships with area small businesses and we are excited to see what the future holds!


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